Monthly Archives: September 2014

hashtag social media

Getting all my ducks in a row was one of the first things I did.

Over the past few weeks I have been engaging socially with the world out there in the space of social media. What I find truly awesome about this world, is that I have conversed with people from the USA, Southern England and Asia without leaving my own front door, finding common interests despite often being thousands of miles apart. But how much reliance is there on social media in the workplace? I have found LinkedIn to be extremely useful for making contacts and having interaction with others, sometimes helping out if I know the answer to a query, creating group discussions, or simply learning from others experiences. LinkedIn too was strongly linked to my working with most of my current clients. Twitter too has led me to make contacts and keep on top of trends. Facebook has not proven quite so handy on this front, but I see it as a shop window more than anything else, for clients or potential clients to get to see the real me a bit more, and showcase my personality and share thoughts and news... Getting likes for the sake of getting likes has never, and will never be my target. I want somebody to engage with me because they want to and not for any other reason than that. One thing I did do though, across all my social sites is get my ducks in a row, and create my brand. If you find me on the social sites, you'll know you've come to the right place when you land on my homepage, continuity is key! I know that I have it a lot easier than some companies as there is only me to handle it all, but giving a consistent message I feel gives the impression of competence and a feeling of an eye for the details. So here's the question - are your ducks in a row socially? Are your messages consistent? Is your brand consistent? I've helped out a few clients now getting their social sites up and running with banner designs and what not on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+. There's a whole load of them out there, so I'd suggest you impress your customers by having them designed up in a brand identifiable way.

Create the right impression without the need for a power suit or phone call.

People, clients and customers are quite judgemental people and if you have mis-messages and non-consistency, what does that say about you and your brand?  
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freelance designer for hire

Well it's been quite a while since I last wrote something profound on my blog, and I'm sorry to say today isn't the day for profound statements either!

Since we last spoke, I have been off gallivanting in the Southern Hemisphere for a few months seeing the sights, but still maintaining contact with my UK clients and picking up a few new ones along the way. Since returning home I have taken the plunge into becoming a real life freelance designer (a very scary thought) and have actually started to both fear and get excited about the future. I've sorted out my website to a level I'm happy with promoting (it's always going to be a work in progress!!) so here goes - wish me luck!

So what exactly have I been doing on the freelance design front I hear you cry?

Well, I've done lots and lots of infographics for Cordant Group and it's sister companies, a great many web reports and user documents, and a few logos and business cards for start up companies too. Check out my portfolio for examples and testimonials if you don't believe me! With that said, do you know someone whose design is in need of a little TLC? Are you in a design related crisis? If so, I could be the one to swoop in and help save the day... I quote on a case by case basis, so get in touch to see what I can do for you.
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