Monthly Archives: October 2015

Sister suffragette

The other night I went to the cinema. This is a rare occurrence in itself as I neither used to have an Orange phone, or now shop with, sorry Simples.

I went to see Suffragette, a film for those that don't know set in the period before the time when women had the vote, where "deeds not words" were the order of the day. I personally thought it was a good drama showcasing what women in the past had to put up with, and what they went through in order for women like me to have a say in those that rule. Personally I believe that everyone is on a level playing field and should not be judged based on appearances or misapprehensions. I have been judged on many occasions - I went to a public (or is it private?) school and those that didn't thought I was posh and a snob to hide their jealousy and friendships that had been formed earlier than that fell apart. I doubt they're reading this, but they will know who they are... I am also considered totally bizarre in many respects for the fact that I am not a sheep and will always make a considered decision before doing something the way I do. I will not follow something or someone blindly - I choose the ability to think for myself on a regular basis. Anyway, as usual I have digressed from the original subject! Back to Suffragette. What I was going to say is that even in 2015 there is still the need to speak up and be counted. We are still ruled by "the ruling classes" and they make decisions for us all day everyday - look at the Junior doctors as just one example, and tax credit cuts for another. There is still a long way to go before we are all treated as equals.

We are all equal, but some are more equal than others it would seem.

Even in the world of graphic design, I was shocked to read in a recent survey (I actually took part in the survey! I am one of the statistics!!) that The Design Week Salary Survey revealed that male designers earn on average 17% more than females doing the same job, and in general women earn on average 9.4% less than men across all industries. Now to someone like me, that doesn't sound very fair. The recommendations and testimonials I receive are positively glowing from the clients I serve and work with on a daily basis. Do I do a worse job than a man - do I have less grey matter in my silly little head? I don't think so. In many ways the world has left these rules and laws behind. The world is a much smaller place than it once was, back when the rule book was written. Equality to me isn't about money, it is about being seen for the person that you are and the skills that you offer. We are all humans at the end of the day, and we deserve to be treated as equals.
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