Monthly Archives: January 2018

2018 and the year ahead

So, another year over and a new one just begun...

A year, as I said to someone yesterday, is not a circle but a straight line... Every new year I see it as the chance to start afresh - we don't start back where we started - the slate is wiped clean and we get another chance to try and find what we're looking for, right the wrongs or reassess where we want to go. Roughly 340 days ago, I decided to plunge into the unknown a bit. It was a calculated risk, but one I was happy to make - I needed to expand as a creative and to expand as a person. I knew I had to jump from my comfort zone, and as it turned out I landed on my feet and unbeknown to me, just at the right time. Since taking the jump I've worked across some of the most recognisable brands in the UK music festival industry and for 2018 will be the lead designer for Reading and Leeds festivals, London based Community festival and the 50th anniversary of the Isle of Wight festival. How huge is that?! On a personal level - I definitely feel the rut of 2016 is well and truly left behind :) The people I have gotten to work with bring joy to my day, and those that have moved to pastures new are only a text and a cheeky drink away. The energy (and life) around London is something I wish I could bottle - the culture, the events, the exhibitions, the restaurants, the jobs - the transport system - are in abundance, and for someone from out of town are things that just NEED to be explored. 2017 for me was definitely a year of transition - I wonder what 2018 will hold? I've signed up for another year in London, well until November at least - so I wonder where I'll be this time next year...? A millionaire I hope(!), but if not, I hope to have chipped away at a few more pieces of what this city has to offer...

All the best for 2018 - I hope it's a cracker