Monthly Archives: March 2014

when graphic design meets hollywood

Two of my favourite things in the whole world are film and graphic design, (there are of course other wondrous delights like profiteroles and sunbathing that could be classed as favourite things, but I won't go into that...). I came across this article whilst browsing the always fantastic Creative Review site and it got me thinking. How exactly would you get into this profession, it looks and sounds incredibly awesome. One day you're writing a blog (ok, got that bit) and the next (well not quite the next) Wes Anderson gives you a call asking whether or not you want to design for his next film. Yes please! I often feel that graphic design is an overlooked skill and art form, sometimes considered to be an after thought and something that can be done by almost anyone who has Photoshop. It is very true, there are a wide range of software packages out there and are readily available, but one quote that stood out for me was this one by Annie Atkins, lead graphic designer on the recent Wes Anderson film "The Grand Budapest Hotel:"

You're not always designing for the camera: much of this work will never be seen by a cinema audience, but still you have to create an atmosphere and a world for the actors to work their magic in.

This sums up what being a graphic designer means to me. Graphic designers provide the attention to detail that makes a scene complete. Whether it's your corporate branding or a submission to win business or an exhibition stand or web presence, we set the scene of expectation for the recipient. First impressions count and style can very much add to the substance. It's great to see that graphic design plays an important part in the world of film. Just think of all the newspapers characters read, or train tickets or notebooks the characters carry, I was blown away by the graphic design section on the Harry Potter Studio tour. Image really is everything... For now though, I think I'll stick with freelancing for small businesses, but you never know in years to come I may be designing for the stars!

that friday feeling

When it comes around to Friday and somebody mentions "that Friday feeling" I always think of this and then I want a Crunchie.  What is it about clever marketing campaigns, and how years after the release you can still hum the tune and feel inclined to make a purchase? I wish I could come up with something like that. (My mum thinks the person who came up with "more reasons to shop at Morrisons" was also some kind of genius.) It's very clever stuff. It's all about having a plan. And it's all about not being like the contestants on The Apprentice. So next time you have "that Friday feeling" rather than feeling like you want to sneak off from work a bit early to miss the traffic, feel like "wahey, I want to go ride on a roller coaster of a weekend, throw some shapes to some Pointer Sisters and eat a Crunchie." It sets you up for the weekend and it's what those marketing gurus were planning for all along.

infographic: The design process

A while back, I was invited to pitch for a graphic design competition. I was sent a brief, and request to create an infographic about "graphic design process." For those of you that know me well, you'll know that I do love an infographic! Here is what I produced... I am a big believer in the bit before the actual design part takes place - the planning! I definitely have the "let's think about this" frame of mind before diving in. In my opinion, this saves time in the long run as there is some method to the madness, supported by background research. Once this is all done and dusted, then comes the brain storming part (which I truly LOVE!) where I can come up with the weirdest and wonderfulest thoughts, and filter out accordingly. Some clients like some things, others not so much so understanding your target audience is key! Once I've sorted out the awesome thoughts from the not so very awesome, I get cracking on actually designing something... Come up with a few suggestions, then send them over to let the client have a look, and fingers, toes and legs crossed they go for one... So that's my process, with an offthewallcreative branded infographic to match. What do you think?

I don’t like Mondays…

As the Boomtown Rats song of 1979 goes, not that many people are that fond of Monday's. Although that said, I don't imagine that that many of the people that don't like Monday's are likely to go on a killing spree... If only that woman, from that song, based on that real life scenario, had seen this picture, the song may not even have existed.... So why do Monday's get such a bad wrap? Is it because we have been unwittingly pulled from our beds at an ungodly hour due to the harsh calling of the early morning alarm, or the fact that we have received literally thousands of e-mails during the weekend and that our two days of rest and relaxation seem like a mere distant memory by 9am on a Monday? We don't need Bill Murray to tell us (although how cool would that be?!) we can be AWESOME any day. Believe that you are, and you will be. Go be awesome this Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday, or even Friday and you will be :-) I may not be the most awesome of designers, there's always room for improvement, but I believe that I bring something to the table through positivity and enthusiasm and commitment. With me doing your graphic design work, I can guarantee that what I deliver is always my best, and then I'll let you decide if my skills are awesome or not.