Overwhelmingly sad

I am saddened by the EU Referendum result. Overwhelmingly so.

And unfortunately, almost 50% of those who voted are, not to mention those who didn't get to vote who will have to live with the consequences much longer than we folk who got to put our cross in the box. In fact, of the 64 million living in the UK, only 17 million are definitely up for leaving, which leaves around 47 million having this situation thrust upon them... I am saddened for a number of reasons (read my previous blog!) as I fear that my nieces and those of their generation won't get to share the same freedoms that I have taken for granted - be it equality rights, working rights or travel. I am also afraid of how the nation is obviously divided on this subject, and some very real tensions have already bubbled to the surface fuelled by the media. Personally, as a freelance graphic designer, working rights don't necessarily affect me as I run my own schedule, work when I want, sleep when I want and holiday when I want. These are definite perks of being a freelancer. There are more and more of us about as permanent jobs become fewer. I graduated at the time of the recession a few years ago and (really) struggled to find a job. Of any kind. At all. I was registered with numerous recruitment agencies and didn't hear a thing as there were so many like me. Hundreds of applications sent on a weekly basis - to absolutely no avail. Luckily for me I managed to get my foot in the door eventually. Some of my fellow chums took even longer than me to find a position and around 75% of my friends have been made redundant at some point - some of them more than once. I only hope this situation isn't going to be repeated on todays graduates and further generations upon leaving the EU. It may turn out all well and good in which case I will graciously accept that I had been skeptical - but if that's not the case - will those who brought us here accept that they were wrong? One definite result of last weeks vote though is that the rich will indeed continue to be rich, and those on the lower end of the financial scale will struggle, possibly even more so, but will their stories be the ones that get told?
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