Take a chance on me

Every now and then I take a chance. I take a gamble and plunge in.

I've done this on several occasions in my life to date. I took a gamble and ran away to sea, that worked out to be one of the best things I have ever done. It continues to define me, and I hate that it might be the best thing that ever happened to me. I took a gamble and went into the world of freelance graphic design - again that paid off, allowed me to travel some more, work with some great folks and develop my clientele and professional style. Another gamble took me to the other side of the world. That one didn't work out so well. Some you win, some you lose. After retreating to the relative safety of home for a few years, I have once again taken the plunge. I have moved to London without a safety net. The city is my oyster, and I'm excited. I came because I want to learn from creatives, I came because I want to develop as a designer and I came because I want to be challenged. I want you to take the gamble on me... I know that I have done a whole load of corporate literature and B2B material, and a limited amount of truly creative projects. I know that and it's why I made the move. I also know that I don't have the best interview technique known to man, but it's something I am working on to improve. But what I do have is a strong work ethic, and a belief in getting the job done to the best of my abilities. I have a creative mind and always have, I am flexible and approachable, with a whole range of skills to offer - and I will help out anyone who asks :) Now I just want the chance to prove it. Ultimately I want to work with graphic design agencies, I want them to take a gamble on me and I want them to feel that it was worth it.
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